Home » Sgt. Doom, Shelters, Water » 5 Steps to Cope with Flooding – Part 2

Last time, I told you one or two things about flooding. We are going to continue with this topic now and I’m gonna give you 3 more essential tips to keep in mind.

Involve Your Community

Two is better than one, and one community is stronger and more efficient than one family. Involving your neighbors in your flood survival plan is a win-win situation.

First you have to check whether there already is a survival plan in case of flooding at the community level. If there is one, then it’s best to act accordingly or at least guide your own strategy in concordance with it. It won’t help you or anyone else to go on your own; you will be weaker. So be sure to ask around or go directly to the source, to your local agency and find out what is their plan.

Act Ahead of the Storm

5 Steps to Cope with Flooding

The biggest mistake you can do is to wait around for the flood to come and then leave your house. If you keep informed, you will know of such a disaster 2 days before it happens. This will give you enough time to collect anything you need and leave. Once announced, the disaster will happen, so don’t make false hopes that will eventually put you in a bigger danger.

If somehow, the flood finds you at home, don’t try to leave then, but rather duck and wait for it to go away.

Protect Important Documents

Of course, there are a number of things your should protect, but if time is running out, then keep in mind that documents are highly important for your identity, properties and insurances. Also, it is very difficult to replace them and it costs a lot of money, too. Invest in a waterproof container and know where it is at all times. If you leave before the storm starts, make sure that’s the first thing you pack.

Naturally, a member of your family or any human being takes priority over your documents. Given the option to save some documents or a person, I trust my readers would never think twice when it comes to saving a life.

These are the 5 most basic steps to cope with floods. There are many more, and there are tiny details you should consider, but all of that comes after you have covered the basics.

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